Friday, April 25, 2008

Not from Mountains

"I look up to the mountains; does my strength come from mountains?
No, my strength comes from God,
who made heaven, and earth, and mountains."
Psalm 121:1-2

I've found that when I have moments of utter chaos in the day, it usually means I will have moments of great peace. After crying out to God for help, for instance, when my newborn was crying mercilessly while I attended to first born's lunch, she shortly went off to sleep, followed by toddler taking an early nap. It is a rarity to have a nice long stretch when they're both asleep and I treasure it, debating how I should divvy the time. But, God has been so generous this week, answering my prayer with the above verse, letting me know that not only would He provide these moments of peace, but that He would deliver some actual help if I looked to Him.

So, two days last week, when I turned to Him, He made good on His promise. I'd been contemplating whether or not to go to playgroup. It's such good fun for toddler, but so frustrating for me as I try to breastfeed one while warding off potential disasters with the other (ie falling off play gym, tipping over paint easels, eating glue). I decided to go with the intent of branching out to make some other-mother friends rather than just letting it be my first-born's fun. An instant came, when I looked on helplessly, hands tied as first born tried to get onto a push car. I'd have loved to give her a little assist, but could only call from the sideline and hope she could do it. Then, my help came. A little girl, nine years old, approached and picked her up, putting her right onto the car. She proceeded to push her around and then followed her the entire morning helping her with this and that. I nearly shed a tear. Her older sister joined in, too, begging me to push the pram to get newborn off to sleep, allowing me the chance to make the craft with first born. Beautiful.

Another day, I had one feed to go before husband got home and had already used the alloted max one video per day as an entertaining distraction. So, we headed to McDoo's very child-friendly play ground. Although I feel pretty free to let firstborn run around on it, there are a couple of spots I'd prefer to assist her. Again, hands tied with newborn breastfeeding, I looked on, hoping she'd be okay, when my help came. Two little girls took her by each hand and walked her up the steps, had her wave to me from the dome, and caught her at the bottom of the slide. It was so perfect and clearly sent from God. I was even free to stare into newborn's eyes and exchange loving coos. Two days, two little angels. Thank you, Lord.

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